Welcome to Early Childhood and Parent Programs

We are dedicated to providing resources and developmentally appropriate instruction for children birth through age six. Our vision includes a partnership between the home and school with parents being their child's first and best teacher.
Our district offers two parent-based programs for families with children ages prenatal through 4K. Both programs are free of charge and offer flexible scheduling to meet the needs of your family:

Parents of Preschoolers Program - This is a home-visit model program that can begin as early as prenatal, with services offered until children begin school. This program utilizes the Parents as Teachers curriculum and focuses on supporting families as they learn about their child's development in four areas: Social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. To learn more, click here!
"Talk to Me" Program - This is a 13-week program focused on increasing the language skills and vocabulary for their children. This program serves families with children ages birth through 4K and is the first of its kind in South Carolina! We combine innovative technology with interactive sessions to teach "Talking Tips" and measure progress. This program is offered in two formats that include a home-visit model or a small group model. To learn more, click here!

Need more books?!?
Check out the links to the parent-based programs above!
Children receive free books at each meeting or visit!

Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Information
We have 19 4K classrooms located at the following schools: Alma, Blacksburg Primary, B.D. Lee, Corinth, Draytonville, Goucher, Grassy Pond, Limestone-Central, Luther Vaughan, Mary Bramlett, and Northwest. Each 4K classroom serves 20 students.
Students attend full-day sessions five days each week and follow the school district calendar.
Students should register in the spring at the school in their attendance area. Registration information will be posted on the district website's home page in February. After completing registration and participating in the screening process, families will be notified about their child's 4K placement.
By law, students must be four years old by September 1 in order to attend the 4K program.
Our 4K curriculum model is Creative Curriculum by Teaching Strategies, which is one of the four early childhood curriculum models recommended by the South Carolina State Department of Education.

Five-Year-Old Kindergarten Information
5K programs are available at each elementary school.
All 5K programs are full day and follow the school district calendar.
Students should register for 5K in the spring at the school in their attendance area.
By law, students must be five years old by September 1st in order to attend five-year-old kindergarten.
First Grade Information
Additional Resources for Families
Am I my Child's First Teacher? Three tips to make the most of your time with your child
Reading Conversation Cards
Contact Information
Lisa Blanton, Coordinator of Early Childhood/Elementary