Emotional Vaccines
Cherokee County School District
Emotional Vaccine Program
"No pain. All gain."

Emotional Vaccines is one component of the District’s partnership with the National Center for Performance Health, which also provides the district with the Game Changer mental health program for student athletes. This is a school-to-work program that takes place in the workplace setting. The Program pairs workplace immersion with classroom instruction to facilitate a seamless combination of pre-employment services, career exploration and hands-on training through worksite rotations. Accepted students will have the opportunity to learn functional, academic, social, and occupational skills that will equip them for competitive employment, independent living and responsible citizenship. Students attend this program during the school year where they receive classroom instruction and assigned job rotations at the host business sight. The host business is staffed by a special education teacher and paraprofessionals (provided by SCVR) to meet the educational and training needs of the students. Students who are at least 18 years old, have a recommendation from their IEP team and complete the application process will have the opportunity to be considered for the program. A selection committee will determine the final students who are accepted into the program and will officially become a Project SEARCH intern. As an intern, during their last year of high school, the student will begin each day at the host site for group instruction, attend assigned job rotations, eat lunch on site then return to their host site classroom for additional instruction based on experiences from the job rotations. This program is provided by Project SEARCH and is driven by collaboration with many community partners: A host business, an education partner, a supported employment provider, Vocational Rehabilitation and the local Development Disability organization.
Emotional Vaccine Video Links
April 2022
New Addition
The Big Split
The S Word
March 2022
Parent Messaging
Food For Thought
Asset Protection
Self Soothe