School Based Telehealth Program
We are so excited to be able to offer the school-based telehealth program to our students at several of our schools. The school-based telehealth program will allow for your child to be seen by a nurse practitioner or physician while at school when they are sick and don’t feel well through a live video conferencing. It is essentially similar to an actual face-face visit with a doctor but is done virtually.
How It Works:
Your child can be examined, diagnosed and treated by a healthcare provider while at school via telehealth, with parent permission.
Medicaid covers the cost of the appointment.
If your child needs a prescription, the healthcare provider calls it in to your specified pharmacy where you can pick it up.
Your consent is required for your child to enroll in the program.
The school-based telehealth program is offered through grant funding provided and supported by the Medical University of Charleston (MUSC). MUSC is a National Center of Telehealth Excellence and has been named as one of only two national Telehealth Centers of Excellence within the nation.
MUSC partnership between the district and local providers will provide guidance, support, resources, training and equipment which enables our school and community to have a more collaborative and coordinated approach to student health.